Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On Trip - Day 1 - June 9th, 2007

Read and think about Matthew 14:22-23.
Jesus had told them to get into the boat and cross to the other side. "Thanks a lot Jesus" was what they were probably all thinking as they were pelted and jolted by a violent storm. What were they supposed to do now? They did what the disciples (and all of us) seem to do so well: they forgot. They forgot about the people they'd seen healed, the dead they'd seen raised, the demons cast out, and even the food multiplied. They forgot, and they freaked. But Jesus sees them in the middle of their fear, and He comes to them miraculously on the water. "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid!" Peter, always quick t act, follows the command to come, and he steps out of the boat. But the raging wind around him draws his attention from Jesus, and he begins to sink. Jesus' arm is quick to grab him. They both climb onto the boat, the sea is instantly calm. "Why did you doubt?"

What does the fact that Jesus sent the disciples onto a sea He knew would turn violent show you about Jesus' character?
Sometimes He puts us through things He knows will strengthen us and wants to teach us to trust Him.

What does it mean to you that Jesus came to them in the middle of their fear and doubting?
He won't ever leave. You may stop looking for Him, but He's always there. Just look, you'll see Him there. He'll always be there when I'm afraid.

What will it mean for you to "step out of the boat" this week? What will help you keep your focus on Jesus as your faith is being tested?
You don't know how much I laughed when I read that. This whole DAY was a test of faith! Early this morning our mission team lef the church and rose on the l-o-n-g 2-hour bus ride to O'hare airport in Chicago. It was when we arrived at the airport that I realized how many of us there were and how much baggage we had! All 29 of us with our bright yellow mission trip shirts caught the attention of a lot of people and we met a mision team going to Mexico also wearing bright yellow shirts! It took a lonnnng time to get us all through. What made it longer was the fact that they wouldn't let 5 of our members through.
See, a couple days before today, the law had changed to where you didn't need a passport to enter the tropics (another miracle from God, because 5 of our members hadn't gotten passports in). But O'hare wasn't honoring that law. The kids had birth certificates, photo ID, everything, but they still wouldn't let them through. So the rest of us went through, all praying and some (like me) almost crying because it looked like the 5 would have to go back home and wait until their passports came in so they could come maybe in the middle of the trip.
About 15 minutes before we were boarding the plane, the airport let those 5 through. It was so amazing.
Today was nothing BUT travel. The plane rides were tedious and my arms were pretty tired after all the luggage carrying, but it was worth it. On the flight to Jamaica, we flew through a storm. It was kind of scary at first, but then it got pretty amazing. Lightning was striking all around us. It was cool.
It was so great seeing Jamaica from the air. It was even better when we landed. I love the Jamaican accents!! They're...I don't know....fun, I guess. It is sooo humid down here though. My hair got pretty big. The humidity was so thick that we were almost breathing pure water.
I can't wait until tomorrow when we get started on work!

What was the weather like today? Nice and sunny and warm
What cultural differences stood out to you? Jamaicans drive on the left side of the road.
What was the best part about today? The sooo many miracles that God did.
What was the hardest? The parts before God did the miracles!
Did anyone say anything "quote-worthy?" "It's sooo humid. If I die, it's because I drowned." - Jordan

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