Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Post Trip - Day 2 - June 20th, 2007

Read and think about Matthew 19:16-22.
He was seeking the truth. We'll give him that. He wanted to know how to get this eternal life he kept hearing about. He was rich and had many possessions, but he wasn't sure if eternal life was among them. He wanted it, so he went straight to the source to get a straight answer. It wasn't the answer he'd hoped for. Give it all up? It sounded impossible. He was at a crossroads: would he cling to all of the treasure he had stock-piled in this life, or trade it all in for treasure in the next? You may be at a crossroads as well. For you it's not a question of gaining eternal life, but it is a question of living with eternal perspective. You've spent the last couple weeks focused on things of eternal value, and now you're back in the "real world" and you have a choice to make: are you going to cling to the things of this world, or are you going to cling to Christ and His purposes?

Jesus called this man to give up what he placed the most value on, in order to know Him. Is there something in your life that you're placing too much value on, and it's getting in the way of your relationship with Christ?
No...I don't think there's anything so far.

Surrender that thing to God. As Him to help you live a life totally devoted to Him and His purposes.

Spend some time today praying for the people you ministered to during your trip.

Home feels so great. My bed is so warm and soft, the food is wonderful, and everything's just so clean. I'm so very thankful for all I have now. I never realized how many luxeries I actually had at home!
But yet...there are some aspects I do miss about the mission trip. I miss waking up and eating a big breakfast with my friends. I miss Pastor Harold's devotionals. I miss the tropical setting. I even miss the teams from Georgia and New York. Sometimes I just want to walk outside and hang out with my friends and some of the New Yorkers and Georgians.
But still, I love life back here at home. There is no humidity! Haha.

What was the best part about today? Getting my photos developed and looking at them!
What was the hardest? I miss some of the life in Jamaica...
What do you miss most from the place you were on your mission trip? I just mentioned it up there. ;)
What was the biggest thing you learned about God on your mission trip? TRUST HIM!!

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