Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pretrip - Day 3 - June 6th, 2007

Read and think about Luke 5:27-31.
Are we seeing a pattern here? Fishermen stink. Tax collectors cheat. Jesus seems to be calling some unlikely people to be a part of His team. Were all of the lawyers, doctors, and Bible scholars unavailable that day and Jesus just had to take whatever He could find? Nope. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing. He often chose the unlikely and imperfect to carry out His plans, and He still does so today. Take a look around your church. Take a look in the mirror. But watch out: a perfect, powerful and creative God can do amazing things with the most unlikely person, because it's not about who's being called, it's about who's doing the calling.

How does it make you feel to know that Jesus has chosen you?
It makes me feel more honored than I could possibly say! I certainly know I'm not perfect, so to know that Jesus is using me to impact lives for Him is just so amazing.

What are some doubts that you have about yourself as you head into this mission trip?
This is my first mission trip, and I am honestly very nervous about being a Bible teacher! It's a wonderful job and I've spent a LOT of time preparing for it, but part of me is afraid that I'm going to mess up. I'm also a little afraid that the headaches that I've been fighting daily for the past year might raise in intensity. But I've chosen to trust God with these worries! If He's got the whole world in His hands, there's really no need to be afraid!

Read 2nd Corinthians 4:7, and Philippians 4:13, then spend some time praying about your doubts and asking God to give you confidence in what He can do through you!

I am really glad that God has all the power and I do not. Honestly, this world would be the absolute worst if I were the one in charge. Everything would be black and gray and white because I wouldn't be able to decide the colors, I'd say yes to all prayers just so I wouldn't have to hear them all, there'd be no missionaries because I wouldn't be able to choose...I'm just so glad God is in control and will never go back on His promises!

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