Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On Trip - Day 9 - June 17th, 2007

Read and think about John 8:1-11.
She'd been caught in the act: in bed with a man that wasn't her husband. Adultery, punishable by death. She is brought to stand before Jesus. The Pharisees expect condemnation, but what they see instead are scribbles in the sand and some lavish grace. If anyone has the right to condemn the adulterous woman, it's the Holy Son of God. But He doesn't. He saves her from the hands of hypocrites, and points her to the gracious hands of God. He doesn't ignore her sin (He doesn't ignore the the sins of the Pharisees either!), He asks her to leave it behind. That's the hope found in the grace of Jesus: that we can leave behind the sin that condemns us, and know the love of the one who made us.

Spend some ways thinking of how demonstrated His frace in your life and praising Him for it.

What are some ways God is calling you to show some lavish grace this week?
There have been some people that I have really been annoyed at this week, a few Jamaican people and even a couple people on our team. But I have prayed about it and chosen to smile and be kind to them, even though they usually don't return the favor.

Who are some people you have met this week that need to know the hope of God's grace? How can you share it with them?
I don't think I've talked to anyone this week and failed to show them at least that I act like a Christian should act. One person on our team that isn't serious about his walk of faith at all is Robert. He's just here because it's Jamaica and he's been pretty bored with all the ministry stuff we've been doing. Other team members and I have tried to show him what this trip is actually about, but he only tells us to shut up. So we've done our part. He hasn't accepted it. So we must move on.

Today was basically more relaxation. Our group went to a different church in Bessie Baker while the Georgians and New Yorkers went to the church we went to last Sunday. PJ preached at the church we went to, so there was no yelling. The service lasted an hour and a half, which I thought was great cuz for some reason I woke up SO exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open. Every time we rode in the bus I had to take a nap. I'm pretty sure that once I get a good night's sleep in my bed at home, I'll feel much better.
I was allowed to give a 3-minute phone call to my Dad for Father's Day. Dad answered and I said, "Hey, Dad, it's Rachel" and there was a pause on the other end. Then he sputtered, "R-Rachel?! Really? Oh, honey!" He was sooo excited to hear from me. Of course I told him nothing, except that I was having the time of my life. I can't wait until Tuesday when I can get my pictures developed and tell them all about it!
Tomorrow we leave for home!

What was the weather like today? Hot and sunny.
You're going home soon. Are you more excited or sad? Excited!!
What was the best part about today? Our meeting/devotional
What was the hardest? Staying awake this morning
Did anyone say anything "quote-worthy?" --

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