Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On Trip - Day 3 - June 11th, 2007

Read and think about John 4:4-30.
She was used to being ignored, so their conversation was a surprise from the beginning. His words were confusing, and uncomfortably personal at times, but also full of compassion. Her gut told her He was offering her something she desperately needed. She'd tried so many things to satisfy her desires, and now this man was telling her He could give her living water that would quench her thirst forever. He was also telling her her life story. Normally His knowledge of her not-so-pretty life would have embarrassed and enraged her, but instead she felt freedom. Someone was loving and accepting her despite what she'd done, and offering her a way out of her dangerous downward spiral.

Is there someone you have met this week that may feel unwanted and unloved like the Samaritan woman?
There have been a couple homeless people walking around who pretty much think their lives are ruined.

What is God calling you to do to make that person feel loved and accepted?
I try to smile and wave at everyone I see, whether I feel uncomfortable around them or not. Smetimes I try to talk to them, but being the shy person I am, it's pretty hard.

How can you share "living water" with them?
Being a living example of Christ, and sharing the Word unashamedly.

Spend some timme praying, asking God to give you a greater heart for the seemingly "un-lovely."

Today was SO AMAZING!! We finally got to do some work. Early in the morning we drove over to Bessie Baker to do some construction work. It got very hot and very humid very quickly. I pretty much was giving the job of digging rocks out of the ground (with my bare hands) and making a wall with them. Anyway, I later learned that I sweated a lot more than I thought I would and drank less water than I thought I did. I was so busy moving huge rocks around that I only stopped once in an hour and a half for a water break. I got pretty lightheaded later, but after some Jamaican grapefruit soda I felt better. Anyway, God was definitely watching over us as we were working. We were so hot and so sweaty that it was getting pretty hard for us. Then, right at the end of our work...it rained. It was bright sunshine before, but it just downpoured and oh it felt so good. Kept us cool and washed the dirt off our bodies. I found it quite a worshipful experience.
Later in the day we did VBS, which was better than I thought it would be. Around starting time we only had 3 kids, so we prayed for others to come, sent out our clowns (about 7 mission trippers dressed up as clowns...they were really great, but now one of them can't fully get the paint off his face), and started. After a few songs from our music teachers, I had the job of teaching the kids the Bible lesson (about the sick servant in Luke 7). By that time, we had about 35 kids. And I don't know why, but somehow I felt totally confident, not nervous at all. The kids were AMAZING. They were all so quiet and well-mannered. And never underestimate their memorizing skills. I was teaching them a memory verse and I was completely blown away with how fast they learned it. I just can't wait until tomorrow, when we'll have more kids (we only got 35 today cuz it was raining). And I can't wait until I can teach the kids again on Wednesday!
I love it so much here in Jamaica (despite the fact that our food - or the lack of it - is really spicy and not very good at all). I'm working and serving so much and I love every minute of it. Although there has been one homeless guy who I think is mentally challenged or totally stoned or both. He follows us everywhere. We accept him, but he's gotten a little scary lately. One time he locked a little kid who didn't do anything wrong behind a fence and started screaming at him. He wouldn't leave until one of the mission trippers got him out. Also, he keeps kissing one of our trippers' hands (I mean, I guess it'd be understandable if it were a girl's hand he was kissing but...it's a guy's hand). So sometimes we have to deal with him. But it's so great here.

What was the weather like today? Hot and humid at first, then it rained all day and got comfortable cool.
What cultural differences stood out to you? While us Americans honk our car horns to be rude, Jamaicans honk at each other as a kind of greeting.
What was the best part about today? We finally got to work, and I got to do a Bible lesson.
What was the hardest? The building we're holding VBS is too small and we had to improvise.
Did anyone say anything "quote-worthy?" --

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