Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On Trip - Day 6 - June 14th, 2007

Read and think about John 13:1-17.
It wasn't the job any Jewish kid aspired to have. Someone walks in the door, after walking who knows how far on dusty roads in just their sandals, and you must stoop to their stinky feet and wash away the grime of the journey. It was the menial talk of a servant. So when Jesus stooped down to do the dirty work, the disciples were shocked. Just as thirty some years before Jesus had laid aside the glory of heaven to take on human form, He now laid aside His clothing and took on the garment of a servant. The King of heaven knelt humbly at the feet of His followers. And in a very real way He showd His disciples what His mission had been from the beginning: to be a servant and lay down His life for others.

What stands out to you about Jesus' example of service?
He did it without complaining and humbled Himself greatly.

What have you learned about being a servant this week?
I've learned it makes you very exhausted! But also it gives a great sense of joy knowing that I am doing this work all to God's glory.

In what ways is Jesus calling you to serve your mission team? Get specific - what are you doing to do today to serve your team?
I helped others when I wasn't supposed to be doing their duties.

What about those you've come to minister to?
To really get down on their level and sometimes act a little crazy just to get them into it. Not to place myself above them.

Today was the day that messed up, but it was still good. I woke up feeling more groggy than I've ever felt in my life. It literally took 15 minutes just to get my eyes to stay open. After breakfast, we went to do construction, but none of the other Jamaican workers that we'd worked with previously were there, so we had no tools. I dug rocks out of mud with my bare hands (not even gloves) and now I've got dirt under my fingernails that will never get out (dirt under my fingernails irks me). Then we went out on a prayer walk, where we just walked down the roads and prayed. It was really great, even though we climbed so many hills.
Then we had VBS. The whole day was one big miscommunication. Half of us were t stay with some kids outside playing soccer while the other half went to VBS, then the kids would switch. 3 of us team members down by the soccer field (myself included) had no clue how to play and didn't want to just stand around doing nothing. So we went back and there were about 65 kids in the VBS room alone (there were about 20 in the soccer field). The recreation/games leaders weren't ready, the craft leaders didn't have enough help, and a lot of us were just left standing around because of the busyness. Tomorrow we'll do much better.
Tomorrow is also our last day of work.

What was the weather like today? Hot, humid, hot, and humid.
What cultural differences stood out to you today? --
What was the best part about today? Prayer walk.
What was the hardest? VBS!
What item are you most thankful you packed for this trip? Razor, sunblock, and hairbands.

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