Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On Trip - Day 8 - June 16th, 2007

Read and think about John 11:17-43.
It's a child's favorite verse to memorize: Jesus wept. It's short, and earns a quick gold star in Sunday school, but it's also powerful. We see Jesus moved to tears. His good friend had died, but it is doubtful that that was the reason for the tears. Jesus knew how things were going to turn out. There was no need to cry over a death that was temporary and would end in an amazing miracle. It is quite possible that it was Mary and Martha's sorrow that caused Jesus to feel the same. He saw His friends hurting, and He felt their hurt. Mary and Martha had no idea that their brother was not going to remain in the grave, but they knew who to go to with their pain. Jesus experienced it with them, and He responded. There seem to be two miracles here: a man brought back from the dead, and an almighty and powerful God that feels the pain of His people.

Ask God to give you a heart that feels the pain of the hurting and knows how to respond.

How do you think God is calling you to respond to the pain that is around you this week?
I have discovered about myself this past year that God has given me the gift of compassion and encouragement. When someone is hurting or is in sorrow or even if they just need a kind word to pick themselves up, I always say all the right things in all the right ways. Everyone comments about how I made them feel better, not just by sympathizing with them, but somehow also telling them the right thing to do in such a way where they'll agree with me and not get mad, where it doesn't sound like I'm judging them. I myself do not know how I do it, only that it's God that speaks through me and not myself. I have the ability to listen to every last word they have to say, to understand them and to actually feel their pain. I actually love those situations. When I feel their pain, I feel their joy when they feel better too.

Spend time praying for some of the hurting people you have met this week.

Today was so amazing, even though I got more injured in 3 hours than I have the whole trip. I went shopping and bought earrings (something I can't get enough of), a bracelet, and a coffee mug for the fam that says "Someone who loves me very much went to Jamaica and got me this mug" at a flea market (I ain't stupid. I got all those things at lower prices than they were worth...when it comes to good stuff and bargaining, I know all the tricks of the trade). There was no point in shopping anywhere else. It cost $25 for an 8-inch figurine.
Then we went to the beach. I barely swam in the ocean -- I was too busy climbing up the waterfall! There was a huge rocky waterfall with rushing water that we were allowed to climb. First with Megan R., Megan V., Erynn, and Michael (Christian's older brother), we all climbed up the easy path, helping each other. It took about an hour the first time. Then I decided to go up again with Ian and go the hard route. I fell down and bruised myself so many times, but it was so much fun. Ian was a real gentleman and led the way, reaching out his hand and pulling me up at tough spots. But I will tell you now: I will never take Ian for granted again. Thank the Lord for a friend like Ian. I was near the top of the waterfall and we were at this really slippery spot where there weren't a lot of places to place your hands and feet. I guess I decided to be adventurous and I climbed ahead of Ian. But it is by the grace of God that I did. While I was climbing, I slipped and lost my foothold...and I began to fall down the waterfall. The water was moving so fast and there was nowhere to grab onto. I looked down and all I saw was rushing water and rocks. I screamed as loud as I could and oh wow, was I absolutely terrified. I thought I was going to break a bone or crack my head falling down the waterfall. I even had thoughts that I might die (it happens when you're going a gajillion miles an hour down a rocky waterfall). I was so scared. But you know what? Ian grabbed me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, held tight, and never let go as he slipped and fell with me down the waterfall. Miraculously Ian managed to stick his foot somewhere and stopped us before we tumbled over the edge and crashed onto the rocks below. If Ian had not grabbed me, I would have definitely fallen further than I did and would probably be with major injuries. But Ian risked himself to save me from that. If I had not climbed ahead of him, he could never have stopped me. God was definitely watching over me.
But aside from the potentially-life-threatening situation, today was great. I forgot sunblock (and having very fair skin, I burn easily), but for some reason I was not burned one bit today. And when I climbed up the falls the first time, I forgot my watch was on (and it's not waterproof), but somehow it still works.

How was the weather like today? Hot, but somewhat cloudy.
What are you going to miss the most about the culture you're in? How nice the people are.
What was the best part about today? The beach.
What was the hardest? My little experience falling down the waterfall.
Did anyone say anything "quote-worthy?" --

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