Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pretrip - Day 4 - June 7th, 2007

Read and think about Mark 4:35-41.
This wasn't their first time riding stormy seas. They were seasoned fishermen. They knew what could happen. They'd had their own experiences with storms, and probably had friends that had gone out to sea and never returned. This night the waves were enormous, the wind was fierce, and their knees were weak. Who can blame them for a little freaking out? But this time was different. This time Jesus was with them in the storm. He didn't prevent the storm, but He rode it with them. And at the perfect moment He stood up and calmed His creation. The disciples were afraid of the winds and the waves, but there was no need. The one who created them was in the boat.

What are some of your fears as you head to the mission field?
I'm a worry wart with occasional problems with anxiety. I worry about EVERYTHING!! I assume the worst in everything. In one way it's a good thing, because I pray and do nothing else when I'm afraid, but it is a problem nonetheless and I have done a good bit of praying about it. So whatever fears anyone could have about this trip, I've thought of it before.

Read Matthew 28:18-20. What does it say about God's presence with you as you go out to tell others about Jesus?
"Surely I will be with you even to the very ends of the earth." Which is an amazing promise.

Spend some time praying and surrendering your fears. Ask God to give you peace, confidence, and assurance of His presence.

I just love Jesus so much. And I am SO EXCITED that I'm leaving in TWO DAYS!!!

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