Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pretrip - Day 1 - June 4th, 2007

Read and think about John 1:14
John 1 says that, "The Word (that's Jesus) became flesh (that means just like us...skin and bones) and dwelt among us (right here on earth)." Jesus laid down His crown, got off His throne and went on the most extreme mission trip of all time. You'd be hard pressed to find a greater cultural gap than the one between heaven and earth. Think about it: trading a place of beauty, joy, no tears, no pain, no worries, for what we see all around us. Take a look at today's news and it's easy to see that this world is no paradise. But Jesus gave it all up. He knew what was ahead. He knew the cost. But He decided making a way for you, and everyone else, to know Him was worth it. There's no greater example of someone who lays it all down so that others might come to know the Lord. You've got a great role-model to look to as you head to the mission field.

What does it mean to you personally that Jesus left heaven and came to dwell on earth for your benefit?
It definitely teaches me a lesson on love and sacrifice. It's sobering to know He never gave up on me.

Read Philippians 2:1-11. What stands out to you about Jesus' attitude in coming to earth?
He was humble and obedient. He never stopped being obedient even while nails were being pounded into His hands. Now that's sacrifice.

Jesus sacrificed it all to allow us to experience God's love. What is God calling you to sacrifice as you go on this mission to share His love with others?
He is asking me to sacrifice some comfort. My main role on this trip is one of the Bible teachers, who specifically teaches Bible lessons to the kids, and for me it is quite nerve-wracking to get up in front of 50 kids or so to teach them a Bible story! I believe He is also calling me to sacrifice some time, mostly leisurely time. I know there have been several times when I didn't really want to work on my Bible stories. I wanted to read or get on the computer. But I chose to work on the Bible stories instead so I would be prepared.

It's 5 days till we go and I am soooo excited!! I can't wait till we get there and get to teach the Jamaican people about Jesus. I can barely contain myself! :D

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