Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On Trip - Day 10 - June 18th, 2007

Read and think about John 2:12-16 and Mark 11:15-17.
Here we see two similar passages (some say it's teh same event, some say Jesus threw tables around in the temple a couple of times). These aren't passages discouraging us from selling brownies in the church foyer. They're giving us a glimpse at Jesus' heart for all nations, and His heart for the poor. You see, the temple court was the only area where the Gentiles (non-Jewish people) were able to enter and worship the Lord. Now that it had become the temple Wal-Mart, the Gentiles no longer had a place to worship. The temple is to be a "house of prayer for ALL nations." And then there's what's being done to the poor. In John it mentions that Jesus paid special attention to those selling doves, which were the sacrifice of the poor. It was Passover time, and everyone was coming to the temple to offer sacrifices for their sins. The well-off offered up sheep and cows, but the doves were reserved as a sacrifice for the poor. So you see Jesus specifically turning his anger to those selling doves in the temple court. Usually a dove could be bought for mere pennies outside the temple, and now inside the temple courts the price had sky-rocketed, potentially cutting off the poor from being able to offer up their sacrifices to the Lord. We don't see Jesus angry much, but when the poor are being oppressed, when someone is being cut off from the opportunity to worship, He takes action.

How has your time in another culture changed your view of the world? Your view of the poor?
I've seen what they really live like. I mean, I knew they didn't have much, but now that I've personally seen it, it really means more to me. A lot of them keep smiles on their faces and thank the Lord for what they do have. It's going to be really weird to go back to the States and not see all the poverty I've seen here.

What is something God is calling you to do this week on behalf of the poor?
God has just called me to reach them and not be afraid to share the hope of Jesus.

Spend some tiem praying and asking God to give you a greater heart for reaching the nations, and helping the poor.

Currently it's 7:30pm. We are stuck at the Miami airport because it's storming. We were supposed to leave 30 minutes ago. So I might as well tell of my day so far. When our team woke up, the New Yorkers were already gone at the airport. We ate breakfast with the Georgians, then they left. We had an hour before we left.
God certainly does have a sense of humor. I'd lost my sandals and I'd looked EVERYWHERE for them but couldn't find them. Finally I said, "Lord, I can't find my sandals. You can guide a heart that's lost, so surely You must know where my sandals are." Right then a voice spoke to me inside: "Look behind you." So I looked behind me and there were my sandals. I just laughed.
We got to the Montego Bay airport and made it through with no problems at all (Ian, Jed, Amy, and Anna, the 4 without passports, all made it through as well). The flight came into Miami late because of storms. And here we are now. It's still storming pretty good. I'll update when it gets better.
8:00pm - Update. Our flight has been delayed again for 9:00pm.
8:30pm - Another update! Our group decided to pray for the weather. Then we sang a bunch of praise songs. Now we are aboard the plane and it's 8:30. GOD IS SO GOOD!!

What was the weather like today? Originally it was hot and sunny, but it's storming now, which would explain why our flight's been delayed.
What are you most excited about doing when you get home? Getting pictures developed and telling my family all about the trip.
What was the best part about today? When I get home
What was the hardest? So far, it's our stinkin' flight getting delayed!
Did anyone say anything "quote-worthy"? Clayton, Brianna, and I were poking fun at each other.
Clayton: "Brianna, what are you eating?"
Brianna: "A fruit popsicle."
Clayton: "Haha! You're fruity! Only fruity people eat that."
Brianna: "Only fruity people would think that."
Clayton: "But you're still fruity."
Me: "Brianna, just call him a piece of junk. At least fruit's good for you."

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